Who we are

 Who we are
The North Devon Fishermen’s Association (NDFA) was born from the Bideford Trawlermen’s Association and formed in 2006, to provide a voice from the fishermen, for the fishermen. 

We are a nonprofit organisation acting on behalf of the fishing industry at local, regional and national level.
We act for all commercial fishing, fish processing and retail fish sales, for fish landed in North Devon from Devon and Cornish boats and represent around 60 fishermen and 650 people from the fish processing and retail sector.

Membership includes all classes from the catching sector, fish processing and fresh fish retailers; including fishermen from the ports of Appledore, Bideford, Clovelly, Ilfracombe, and Padstow. Our current fleet is made up of fishing vessels from under 10 metres and up to 15.95 metres in length, catching white fish and shellfish, using a range of fishing methods, such as, trawling, potting and netting. 

The NDFA have a successful record of partnership working, implementing voluntary conservation measures, and in raising the public profile of North Devon fishing.

Is to support our small fishing fleet by securing a sustainable future for North Devon's fishing industry and fish stocks.

• To be a voice for the fishing industry in North Devon.

• To work closely with other organisations to protect and conserve fish stocks in the Bristol Channel.

• To support new entrants to the fishing industry and support those who want to upskill.

• To strengthen the network of all those who work within the fisheries sector.

We are committed to sustainable fishing and by working with local and national conservation organisations, like the North Devon UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve, we will provide an test bed for conservation and a sustainable fishery.
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